Dr. Kapotaqkhy Chanchala – Miss Earth Pakistan 2023
Dr. Kapotaqkhy: From Miss Pakistan Universal to Miss Earth 2023
Following her coronation as Miss Pakistan Universal 2023, Dr. Kapotaqkhy Chanchala embarked on a noteworthy journey to represent Pakistan in the inaugural tourism pageant held in Sri Lanka, Miss World Tourism 2023. Spanning from July 20th to 30th, Dr. Kapotaqkhy immersed herself in a series of tourism-related activities alongside participants from 40 countries, all aimed at promoting Sri Lanka on a global scale. From gracing the ramp in exquisite Sri Lankan designer ensembles to exploring the vibrant cities of Colombo, Candy, and more, she dedicated herself to the cause of advancing Sri Lanka’s tourism sector.
After an intensive 10-day sojourn in Sri Lanka, Dr. Kapotaqkhy now sets her sights on Vietnam, where she will represent Pakistan in the illustrious Miss Earth 2023 pageant, the third-largest pageant worldwide. This endeavor presents its own unique challenges, as Miss Earth necessitates each delegate to create seven videos highlighting their commitment to environmental conservation and the protection of our planet.

Dr. Kapotaqkhy Chanchala – Miss Earth Pakistan 2023
The MISS EARTH Pageant stands as a remarkable International Environmental Event, harnessing the influence of the beauty pageant entertainment industry to effectively propagate environmental awareness. Recognizing the widespread admiration and aspiration associated with beauty queens, Carousel Productions, Inc. envisioned beauty queens as potent advocates for noble causes. To bring this vision to life, Carousel Productions, Inc. inaugurated the MISS EARTH Beauty Pageant in 2001. This unique beauty event was conceived with a clear purpose – to actively engage its contestants and victors in championing environmental preservation and safeguarding planet Earth.
As the third largest pageant globally, MISS EARTH distinguishes itself by its unwavering focus on authentic, pressing issues that confront our planet. Dr. Kapotaqkhy’s passionate advocacy centers on the planting of trees, a seemingly simple yet profoundly impactful endeavor. Trees serve as nature’s air purifiers, filtering pollutants and enhancing air quality. They provide vital habitats for diverse wildlife, regulate temperatures, and crucially, play a pivotal role in managing the water cycle, preventing devastating floods, a critical concern in Pakistan.

Dr. Kapotaqkhy Chanchala – Miss Earth Pakistan 2023
Dr. Kapotaqkhy is diligently working on a collaborative partnership with an organization dedicated to safeguarding Pakistan’s environment through various tree planting initiatives. Furthermore, she has taken on the noble task of cleaning the Seaview area in Karachi, addressing the litter issue that plagues this popular destination and contributing to a cleaner, more environmentally conscious Pakistan. Dr. Kapotaqkhy’s unwavering commitment exemplifies her dedication to making a meaningful difference in the world.
Sonia Ahmed, the President of Miss Pakistan, remarked, “Since 2005, we have maintained a steadfast affiliation with Miss Earth and have had the privilege of sending numerous talented delegates to represent Pakistan. Historically hosted in the Philippines, this renowned pageant has now made its inaugural move to Vietnam. This transition underscores the urgency of addressing environmental concerns in our ever-changing world. Pakistan, blessed with pristine natural attractions, is in dire need of comprehensive support to safeguard these treasures and rejuvenate areas impacted by forest degradation.

Dr. Kapotaqkhy Chanchala – Miss Earth Pakistan 2023
Miss Earth serves as a unique platform that unites more than 90 contestants in a collective mission to confront the paramount issue at hand—the critical state of our planet. We hold high hopes that Dr. Kapotaqkhy will serve as a commendable ambassador for Pakistan, not only in Vietnam but also in the Philippines, where she will spotlight the importance of our nation’s commitment to environmental preservation.”